I was looking through the new issue of
All You magazine when I came across an ad for a Cool Whip frosting (which, by the way, I am ready to try!). There is a cake decorated with the words "Baby almost slept all night!" The ad says
SO GOOD, YOU'LL LOOK FOR REASONS TO CELEBRATE. Beyond being a great ad, it got my mind traveling back in time...back...back..back...to when I had my first baby.

We brought the little bundle home and gave him bunches of love. But I was a Nervous Nelly mother. I didn't know what I was doing! My mom had to come over and show me how to diaper (cloth diapers back then) the lad. Some people think that newborns are just little blobs of humanity that sleep, eat, and fill diapers. But I'm here to tell you, they are much more then that. They are smarter then we give them credit for!
In this case, my fear totally transmitted to the baby, and he wasn't about to sleep more then 2 hours at a whack! I remember sitting up in the night with him, actually crying, and thinking "Will I ever get another full night's sleep?"
Two babies and a few years later, and of course I did get many full nights sleep. But this frosting ad reminded me of all that time...and gave me one final thought. I am getting pretty old now, and there are nights, sleepless nights, that I sit up exhausted and think how much I would love to get another full night's sleep. Isn't it funny how life comes around full circle?