Saturday, May 6, 2017

A Response to the Call

     When I was a girl, I remember days of playing in the fields, walking through the woods gathering wild flowers, reading a good book, or another of a multitude of things that seemed so important in my young life.  But when I heard my mother or father call, I was swift to respond.  They never called me unless they really needed me.  Often it was for something wonderful, like one of Mom’s home cooked meals, or exciting mail addressed to me, or a chore that I needed to do.  Yes, even the chore was wonderful, although I would have denied it at the time.  The things I learned by responding to their calls to do chores were  life lessons...wonderful lessons that serve me well now that I am an adult.  I would never have even dreamed of ignoring their call...or of saying no to the chore.

     And so it is today...when the Lord calls, we would be wise to swiftly respond.  And he does call us.  Sometimes it is through the Bishop’s voice with a “chore” that needs to be done.  Sometimes it is through the voice of our Relief Society President, or a member in need.  No matter whose voice it is that the Lord uses to call us, it is because we are really needed.  Don’t ignore the not say no.  “Let every man (woman) be diligent in all things.  And the idler shall not have place in the church, except he repent and mend his way.”  D&C 75: 29

     When you hear the call, respond...respond with swiftness and willingness to do the chore.  You will receive wonderful things if you do.

Thomas S. Monson said:

“In actual fact it is the service that counts—the Lord’s service. This is the service that counts, the service to which all of us have been called: the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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